How to create a blue status on facebook

How to create a blue status on facebook you can see here, it is very simple and easy to do. This is the code; @@[2:[0:2:your status]] change your status of your comment and enter the code in the box / box status or comment try and enjoy it :) Popular ...

Facebook Chat Emoticons Code Gallery

Facebook Chat Emoticons Code Gallery you can see here. Facebook has recently issued several new Facebook Chat Emoticons, if we write them in the comment box or chat with code: poop: it will display the image of dirt, and the writing (y) thumb image will appear (the code does not work if ditampilan provider or phone) for Facebook Chat Emoticons Code the other you can see below: Copy the code below and paste in chat (not running in the comment...

Set of Tools for Malware Analysis

Set of Tools for Malware Analysis can you see here. Malware is malicious and unwanted programs that can damage a computer system, inhibits internet access and the most dangerous of which is to steal information such as passwords and credit card no us. These types of malware such as trojans, viruses, worms, spyware, adware, rootkits and so on. Complete set of links to download the tool / tools malware analysis / anti malware analysis / sypware analysis...

How to Maximize Data Transfer Speed ​​Internet

How to Maximize Data Transfer Speed ​​Internet you can see here. Data transfer speeds are needed for us who actively use the internet. Internet speed is dependent on the speed of the Internet connection provided by your ISP (Internet Service Provider) and data transfer from the modem to the computer. One advantage to maximize data transfer speeds can certainly make the browser faster when accessing the internet sob. This trick works by maximizing the cache settings on the internet, registry tweaks, etc.. here's how: Download TCP Speed ​​Booster...

How to optimize facebook fan page to SEO

How to optimize facebook fan page to SEO, you can see here. Facebook is one of the largest social media today. Currently Facebook gives service called fun page, where we are to have fun and be creative. media turns fun page can be optimized for SEO.Here is an example of how a search engine would index your page: SEO Title = Your fan page name Meta Description = Fan page name + the About section of your page H1 = Your fan page name SEO Title is...

How to Create Automated Blog Content Based Label

How to Create Automated Blog Content Based Label in blogspot is one of the ways used by the bloggers. The way is easy. For those who are interested in me aka show it to you. Things you should do is first First entry into your Blogger account. Open the menu and then we Posts Posting or click New Entry or New Post. Upon entry into the post editor page in HTML mode instead select Compose. Then copy and paste the code below into the post editor page: <script src=""></script><script...

How to Create Automated Blog Content By Date Posted

How to Create Automated Blog Content By Date Posted on blogspot is pretty exciting for us all know. Today I will try to tell you how. for those who are interested to try, please try. it's simple We live it: First, go to your blogger account, open the menu and then we Posts Post or click the New Entry or New Post. Upon entry into the post editor page in HTML mode instead select Compose. Then copy and paste the code below into the post editor page: <script src=""></script><script...

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